Monday, March 16, 2009


A Book Review by Joel Cardinal
IV- Madame Marie Curie
Two lovers being tested upon by a condition that seems to be rarely seen among any relationships. This story has been the most remarkable among the previous once that I had read. Striking and reminiscing always in my mind. A two-hundred six-page book that will surely made your heart beat untimely. It’s something you could finish reading in one Sunday.
A Walk to Remember is set in Beaufort, North Carolina in 1958. The story focuses upon 17 year-old Landon Carter, who falls for Jamie Sullivan. Jamie happens to be the daughter of the town's Baptist minister. The story unfolds during Landon and Jamie's Senior year of high school. I'd love to tell you more, but it would involve disclosing major plot details. I was pleasantly surprised about how much I enjoyed this story. It was far from the sappy, hokey love story I was expecting. Though the main characters are teenagers, their experiences are adult in nature and very touching.

The author has selected his words very carefully, so that several of the readers' emotions are affected. This book made me laugh, cry and everything in between. A word of caution however: sensitive people will be bawling at the book's ending. Sparks has written a sweet tale of young but everlasting love, and though he's told us to expect both joy and sadness, the tears will still come. Sparks once again demonstrates skills built on a sure understanding of his characters and the scene and times in which they live. A well written love story.

I don't feel there are any drawbacks to A Walk to Remember. I was able to predict the plot's events before they happened. However, I'm not sure that was such a bad thing in this case.

This short Nicholas Sparks novel should only take a day or two to read, so it makes an ideal library selection. A Walk to Remember also makes a good gift. It offers wonderful lessons in love and faith from which anybody could benefit.

A story that is full of different themes of profound love, trust, faithfulness and fortitude that happened throughout the story. A story that will surely make your heart pumped fast and be overwhelmed. This story can be a plot of all the memories of the year.

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